Hope you all didn't miss me too much because I really didn't miss technology while enjoying this beautiful view. Okay, okay! So, I missed it a little bit but this past week in Maine was AMAZING! Its just so peaceful up North and you don't see a whole lot of ghetto around those parts. The photo above is a picture of Booth Bay in Maine. Literally, one of the most breath taking places I have been to in years. The air is so fresh and the "lobstah", to die for. I've never eaten seafood so fresh.
This vaca was probably the least stressful trip I have ever been on in my life. Okay, yes I was on Xanax as well but that aside...I probably could have gone without it. I loved every member of the McGuire family that I was able to meet. Even the forewarned, Uncle Ron. He is a very big man, with an even bigger opinion. But I love him to death! Honestly, I think we could use more people like Uncle Ron in this world. Then there's his Wife, Jenn, and daughter Shannon. Both such amazing girls! I definitely fell right in love with them and their awesome personalities! Close for life, I can see it. His son, Collin was a very kind boy =]. Kevin's Grammie Linda and Grampie Lee Sr. are by far the most kind hearted and loving people I've ever meet. I'm thankful to be apart of such a great family.
Kev's older Brother, Chris, was able to join us with his family. Jen, Coty, and Riley. Chris and Jen aren't married yet but the plan is to seal the deal next year in New Hampshire. Also, just to keep the good news coming at you, Jen is pregnant again. Riley being only 6 months old will put her boys 13 months apart. WHEW! They will definitely need patience. Coty, being 13 is the typical boy but he is a GREAT kid. I look forward to seeing all of them at Chris and Jen's wedding.
I could go on to vent about how terrible United Airlines was and how awkward some moments of the trip got...but honestly the good times I had while up North completely out weigh any of that. Now we are back home and getting ready to start a new chapter of life as Deployed Spouse. As hard as its going to be I will be with my amazing family in Texas. They are all so loving and helpful, that this deployment won't be as hard. Especially Cathy, Kev's Mom, we have really gotten close and i'm thankful for that.
We did so much in one week and I could go on and on but literally I would write a novel. So, i'll leave it at that for now.
Ta-Ta for now!
- Nay
(My little family in front of Grammie and Grampie's house)