Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday madness...madness I tell you!

Needless to say, the day did not start off on the right foot for me. I woke up this morning and my left side of my mouth was crazy swollen. Yes, I still have the deformed chipmunk look going for me. I wouldn't care so much if it didn't feel like someone has hit me in the mouth with a hammer numerous times. The bright side to this morning, I woke up to a little Roo Roo(Taylor) in my face. Smiling with his two little teeth and bouncing with excitement beside my bed. Kev woke up early to go to the first service at church so, he could come home and sand those paintings off Noah's room wall while we were at second service. That plan sounded fine the night before but turned quickly into a nightmare of a morning for me. While Kev was at church, I got a shower, got the kids ready, and put Roo down for a quick nap before church. Well, time started to slip away really fast and when I don't make it out of the house in a timely manner my anxiety shoots through the roof. So, I'm running around like a bat outta hell, getting the boys in the car, grabbing our bags, and YES popping a Xanax! Which btw, it takes a good 40 mins for the affects to set in. Of course, because I'm already running late and stressed like no one can imagine, people have to drive like idiots all the way there. Don't EVEN get me started on church going drivers. I don't know what it is about them on Sunday, that they feel they are entitled to drive in the fast lane at -2 miles an hour and cause people to almost wreck going around them! Just to add the icing on the cake? They just shrug and smile about it! YOUR A SICK SICK person. a little carried away on that one. Anyways, I arrive at church and I'm clearly already ready to go back home. Kev was there to help bring the kids into the nursery but you know when your like already just pissed off and you just wanna rip off someones head? Yeah, I was definitely already there. Poor Kev, got the brunt of the whole thing but I'm lucky to have someone who understands my anxiety. So, church has already started and again for me that spikes more anxiety because I should have already been in there. Instead of going right in I have a cup of coffee in the lobby and BAM my Xanex FINALLY kicks in.

I walked down to the nurseries to check on both the boys. Of course, Taylor is just fine as always but then there is Noah. For some reason, the people that work the Noah's nursery put bad behaving children in a little cage all alone in the back of the room. I for one am NOT okay with this. So, I'm sure to tell them that if he does act up to just call me. Which brings me to the fact I've never seen my child act out the way they described. So, I decided I would stand outside the tinted glass door and watch him for a bit. Well, there is this little girl with a cup full of snacks and all the kids are going and grabbing out of her cup. HELLO! They are babies and if one has a snack they are ALL going to want it. At this point I see Noah and two other little girls going and grabbing out of the cup. But this woman ONLY grabs my son and pushes him away from the snack, saying "NO NO!". I'm thinking to myself...."Umm, NO NO, To you lady!". I walk in and just grab Noah and his bag and leave. Seriously, I understand your volunteers and not trained. But even a stupid person would know to give that little girl a snack somewhere, where the other kids can't bother her. JUST SAYIN'.

My Sunday got a bit better after that. I mean I feel bad not going to the service (Pastor Ferrall, please forgive me) but my anxiety/annoyance level were at there max! I went and had my nails did..YAY! I'm proud of Kev and I. We were very productive! Kev took care of those paintings, you can't even tell they are there, and I cleaned the HECK out of the master bathroom! I'm really looking forward to the final inspection on this house. I know they are going to try and pull me for anything but LET ME TELL YOU! This house was NOT cleaned thoroughly before we moved in. As I'm cleaning, I'm starting to notice that the painters painted right over hair and dust. Its really disgusting...with the way I clean, this house has probably never been cleaned like this before. LOL Point? I'm ready for whatever the hell they want to try and pin on me. I don't think THEY are ready. haha

Noah is totally snoring! I think he had a long day.

Wow, this blog went on A LOT longer then I had anticipated. I definitely won't hold it against you if you didn't read it all the way through but thanks for caring enough to act like you did.

Ta-Ta for now!


  1. i am sorry half your sunday was that shitty :-s you would think that ppl that work for the church ( even if its just for the nursery) are patient and carring!.

    As for your House i SO know what you are coming from! when we moved into this apartment i had food and gunk BEHIND the kitchen counters YUCK!.

  2. Me trying to figure out what would motivate you to go to church if that's the type of experience you have. Granted, it's probably not ALWAYS like that. But do keep in mind, you don't have to go. If your anxiety is ramping up, just stop. Breathe. Take your xanax. It's okay to skip it every now and then. In fact, it's okay to skip a lot of things. :) LOVE YOUR BLOG, by the way. I didn't even know you had one. I shall visit. Love and hugs!! <3

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Much better. Hey, be sure and visit my blog sometime. I've been writing there for seven years. Even before I was a gramma! :)

  5. Well Nay it definitely sounds like you are still the strong you were when I knew you back in the day! You are a wonderful person! It is unfortunate that not everyone can think with their heads all the time, common sense tells you: you give one kid a snack you give the rest one too.
    I really hope that they don't try and pin anything on you for the house. I would have taken pictures before I moved in just for the simple fact that there are ppl out there that can't be trusted..
    Take care!

  6. Thank you Teri *big hug*. I'm just so damn hard on myself but I don't know how not to be.

  7. I would totally bring that up to the pastor that they're only yelling at your son for doing the EXACT same thing that the other kids are doing! That's just ridiculous. I would have said something to that lady, would have went off on her. Maybe she has something against boys?! That is just wrong...and a cage really? How small is it? That just seems wrong to me and like abuse almost and to happen at a church is just even worse. Ok sorry, for ranting! I'm glad your Sunday got a little better, wish I could get my nails did!!lol

  8. Haha, your so funny Lauren. It's not literally a cage but its a blocked off part of the back of the nursery. Maybe a three by three section. Its so mean. And no I didn't say something to the lady because I would have gone off on her hardcore...and being I was in a church...not a good idea! LOL

  9. Thanks Chels! Yeah, I definitely haven't changed much. LOL I'll keep you updated on the inspection as it gets closer. *rolls eyes* Should be a hoot. UGH.
